Israel: End vaccine discrimination now!

April 9, 2021

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website PHR-IIFHHRO has signed a petition issued by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel in support of its appeal to the Israelian Supreme Court to ensure vaccine access for all Palestinians. Two weeks ago, five Israeli & Palestinian Organizations including PHR-I urged the Court to immediately secure a uniform supply of vaccines to the Palestinian population, who have been deprived of access to this life-saving resource so far.

Vaccine discrimination

On its website, PHR-I calls for the end of vaccine discrimination in the country. As the petition states: “… only 135,000 vaccine doses, intended for only 67,500 people, have been provided to Palestinians in the oPt [occupied Palestinian territories], less than 1.5% of the Palestinian population. At the same time, Israel has vaccinated almost 5.2 million people: over half of its population. Directly, Israel provided only 2,000 of the vaccines that have been provided to the oPt, with the rest donated by other countries or provided through the COVAX mechanism. ”

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