Conversion therapy is unscientific and violates the global ban on torture and ill-treatment

May 14, 2020

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IFHHRO is one of the members of the Independent Forensic Expert Group (IFEG). This group has published several statements on abuse of quasi-medical techniques that amount to torture and/or cruel, inhuman or degrading practice, such as forced ‘virginity testing’ and ‘anal examination to establish homosexuality.

IFEG and the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Visctims (IRCT) have recently published a new statement, denouncing “conversion therapy”.

The IRCT press release explains: “Conversion therapy, a practice that aims to change, ‘cure’ or ‘repair’ an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity, is a global problem that causes severe physical and psychological suffering to its victims. A new expert statement by the IRCT and the Independent Forensic Expert Group (IFEG) concludes that conversion therapy is practiced in more than 69 countries, is unscientific and violates the global ban on torture and ill-treatment. Based on the extreme, and often unimaginable, human suffering caused by conversion therapy, the IRCT calls for a global ban on the practice. This would be a major step forward in the global protection of particularly young LGBTI persons against torture.”

IFHHRO fully agrees to this statement.

Read the IFEG statement (PDF)

Access the 2020 IRCT report It’s torture, not therapy (PDF)